A Simple Checklist for a Django Security Code Audit
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Here's where to start with a security audit for your Django app.

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MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a method of developing software that prioritizes getting a simple version of your product released as soon as possible, gathering feedback, and then iterating on that product based on real-world feedback. This process emphasizes limiting work-in-progress (WIP), continual improvement, and frequent demos of the evolving product. But what does that actually mean for your project?

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If you're looking to start a software development project, you're likely reading a lot about different strategies for planning your project. Since Fusionbox specializes in custom Python development, we've put a lot of thought into how we manage our software projects. Like many developers, we've chosen to use Agile development practices, but what does that really mean for your project? Agile does not abandon documentation or planning, but rather continues those processes throughout development, giving you the most flexibility and control over development of your project, which is especially useful if you’re new to software development.

PostgreSQL WAL Archiving with WAL-G and S3: Complete Walkthrough
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A thorough, end-to-end guide for setting up WAL archiving for Postgres using WAL-G in a development environment.

Using Materialized Views to Implement Efficient Reports in Django
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Using postgres materialized views within Django to efficiently prepare reports.

The Problem with Decision Trackers
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For project managers, one of the commonalities across industries is decision making. Every project requires a number of decisions, both big and small, that will inevitably come back to bite someone. But it’s usually not the decision itself that causes difficulties-- it’s the lack of clarity on what that decision is. Unfortunately, the seemingly endless supply of decision tracker templates doesn’t actually offer a viable solution.

Exploring Large and Unfamiliar Python Projects in Emacs
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As programmers, we spend much more of our time at work reading code than writing it. Like any skill, exploring large codebases is one that is developed over time with practice. Nothing can replace experience, but there are certain tools that can help improve your workflow significantly.

Performing an operation at a given average throughput
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A programming task I've often needed, especially while writing benchmarking code, is to perform an operation at a given number of times per second. For example, I want to see how a queue system performs under a load of 10 messages per second. To do this, I write a script to generate messages at the given rate. What is the correct pattern to ensure it runs at the correct rate, when the time to execute each iteration of the loop is variable, due to differences in how long it takes to construct the message or scheduling delays?

Security In Layers: Preventing XSS Attacks with AWS S3 Direct Upload
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For any any web developer, allowing users to upload files to a service and then serving those files back other users is a great way to open those users and your service up to a whole host of security vulnerabilities. This article will attempt to give some guidelines on a few things to be aware of when hosting user files, and is specifically aimed at using Amazon S3 direct upload.

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Everything on the back-end is super-securely encrypted--but how do you know? By sticking to a few simple design guidelines, your secure site with actually feel secure and instill confidence in your visitors.