Articles & Guides


Create React App and Django

Posted by gavin

Create React App is a project generator for React apps, that sets up a build process for React and modern JavaScript with no configuration. It is a great way to get set up with all the tools necessary to write modern JavaScript. While it doesn't require any configuration if you deploy the React app as a static site, it does require some setup to integrate into a Django project.



Security Without Authentication - Shareable Secret Links in Django

Posted by julian.a

Sometimes you need to restrict access to a resource without requiring authentication. While authentication is best when possible, Django makes it easy to do either way.

django security Python


Python Dictionaries Under the Hood

Posted by alex

Iain Watts gives a talk about what happens in a Python dictionary when you use this seemingly simple object at the Denver Python meetup hosted by Fusionbox.



Super Simple, Persistent, Dynamically Generated Django Avatars

Posted by julian.a

Implementing persistent dynamically generated avatars in Django is super simple!

django Python


Graph Algorithms in a Database: Recursive CTEs and Topological Sort with Postgres

Posted by Iain

Surprisingly, databases can be used to do graph algorithms. Using Postgres, this post pushes SQL to its Turing Complete limits by using a powerful device called a Recursive CTE to traverse complicated foreign key relationships as if they were directed graphs. It starts out simple and builds up to a query that will topologically sort any acyclic graph.



Two-Phase Logging of Critical Events

Posted by alex

Frequently, logging that an event has taken place is just as important as the event being triggered in the first place. Here's how to use two-phase logging in order to avoid any important gaps in your e-commerce code.

django Python


Validating JSON Schemas in PostgreSQL

Posted by gavin

An implementation of JSON Schema for PostgreSQL


Basics of password security

Posted by julian.a

An outline of basic password best practices

security passwords


Creating Interactive React Components with SVGs

Posted by Nasrullah

In this post, we will talk about creating interactive SVGs with React.


Fusionbox Hosts Workshop to Teach Women Programming

Posted by Iain

Last Saturday (Oct 22), the Fusionbox offices underwent a dramatic weekend transformation, becoming the temporary home of the second Django Girls Denver workshop.

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