Hiring an Agency vs. Outsourcing: Navigating your Software Development Choices
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When to choose an agency vs. outsourcing for your software development project.

Advice to Computer Science Students and New Grads
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I recently had the opportunity to speak with a Computer Science student who needed to complete a short interview for one of her classes with someone in the software development industry. The questions for her assignment really made me think about aspects of my job that I don’t think about on a day to day basis. I’m sharing this with the hope that this information is helpful to other Computer Science students, new grads, and even potential career changers.

Outcomes Over Outputs in an Agency Setting
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At Fusionbox, we've refined our software development process to prioritize what truly matters: delivering outcomes that drive our clients' businesses forward. Adopting an outcomes-over-outputs philosophy in an agency setting can initially be difficult for clients due to the shift of the initial project focus from what to build (output) to what’s the desired result (outcome).

How We Made Huge Tables Sortable and Accessible
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Fusionbox recently addressed several usability concerns on a client's massive sortable table.

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As a software agency we always encourage our team members across disciplines to nurture a healthy understanding of the technology landscape. It’s common to see this area of expertise left solely to the software engineers, after all they’re the ones writing the code. We’ve found that this can lead to a siloed approach to building software and causes some technical decisions with broad implication to be made outside the full context of the product or business.

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Solving problems with UX is often based on high-level, macro thinking. Microinteractions serve as a counterpoint to this 10,000-foot view of an application. We improve the user’s experience by solving small, self-contained problems within the app. We’re not merely fixing bugs; well-designed microinteractions elevate the entire experience and can become integral—even synonymous—with the brand. Can you think of “swipe right” without also thinking of Tinder? When we create effective microinteractions, they seem almost obvious—organically and fluidly integrating with the larger experience.

Why it’s crucial to validate UX assumptions with live user testing.
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Picture this: your entire team worked tirelessly for six…. nine… make it fifteen months to iron out bugs, design every interaction, and create a seamless, delightful experience. You launch. And wait. And wait. The conversions aren’t coming. What’s happening? How do you find out, and more importantly, how do you fix it?

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Interested in how can you know that your agile project is going well? In this article, we discuss all the charts and KPIs that can be used to monitor your agile software development project.

What to look for when hiring a Python consultant
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When you don’t have the ability or desire to hire an internal development team, consulting teams can be a great way to build and maintain your application. However, it can be overwhelming to choose someone to trust with your product. In this article, we’ll review the important qualifications of your future Python consultant.
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